Monday, January 28, 2008

Hair Loss

Every day as I shower and brush my hair I am still getting gobs of hair coming out. It has been almost a year (Wed) since Justin was born. I am still nursing, but really wondering when I will stop loosing my hair?


Our Family said...

Yes, that lasts quite awhile unfortunately. I am still losing my hair although not as much as when I was is probably age too. (Only 37 but you never know) Anyway, my doctor said it is the toxins that are coming out of your body from the hospital, the body getting back to a normal state as far as vitamins go, etc. Don't worry too much about it. It is annoying but it does get better. Good luck!

Paula Jo said...

Clumps of hair when I wash, brush... all the time. I am happy for it though! It is making my hair more managable.

J K L M N O P said...

Do I dare suggest that you see a Dr. and make sure there isn't a medical reason -- there are medical reasons for hair loss.

Gina said...

I am still losing lots of hair and Abigail is almost 20 months. So I don't know. Are you taking any vitamins? You might talk to your doc.